Friday, July 20, 2007

Going Nappy or Natural? Or going Me?

Why I Cut My Hair….
Everybody keeps asking me, "Girl why did you cut off all that pretty hair?"
First thing's first… It wasn't my hair. Wait, I take that back…Actually it was mine, cause I paid for it!

The other question I get is "Are you going Afro-Centric now?" That one kinda makes me chuckle!

Anyway, It has been something that I've been thinking about since college, I've cut my hair before but, but slapped a perm in it the same day. But that day, I felt was THE DAY! At first I was afraid of what people would think… but then I thought why??? I don't like them or care what they think.

Then I started to think … I would never get any phone numbers or "holla's" in the club with short hair… But then I said to my Self, "Self, you are not getting a date with the #4 Silky Weave, so rocking a Fro would not hurt the pimp game".

So the day I took my weave out I went to my weave specialist and asked her to cut my permed hair off and she told me " NO!!!"
She said " Do you know how you are gonna look??? You are gonna look UGLY!!!"

But you know what? I could not be mad at her because that was 250 bucks out of her pocket.

I left the weave dealer and I went to this barbershop near my house.
I walked in and I asked them to cut my hair and the guys looked at me like I was crazy… Not because I wanted to cut my hair, but they did not speak any English! (Perfect cause now nobody can talk me out of it! LOL.
So one man said, "You want Afro Mammi?" I said "Si… givey mi de Afro, porfavor"

He cut it, and I was cool, I didn't shed a tear.

So I cut it off. And I did feel ugly…I'll never look like Janet Jackson or Tyra Banks… It also means that I will never be in Danity Kane… Nevermind that's not so bad I guess.

The next day I was to meet my group for Bible Study… I told Deniece that I was not going because I cut my hair and didn't want people to talk about me….
She said "Girl, we going to talk about, JESUS… Not you or your HAIR!!!!"

Yeah, that shut me up real quick….

As it is growing out, it is really growing on me! And I see my friends like Mahauganee, Hadiya, Carmen, Carolette, Nette and Janine who are doing the natural thing and are so beautiful and so diva fly!!! Thanks ladies for being my inspiration and support.

Also shout out to all the people who have all the hair care tips and their own personal remedies!

So have created a new album, with all photos of my process!
Here are some websites that keep me motivated.

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