Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Nappy-Versary!!

So it has been just a little over a year since I chopped off all of my permed chemically treated hair. Not only has my hair grown a lot in the past 12 months, so has my self image. From my previous blog I explained my issues of feeling ugly and self conscious when I walked out of the house. Those feelings come back time to time, but I now realize it is not the curl of my hair but the inside of my head that creates the feelings.
Sometimes I think about getting texturizer and other conks, coppa's (remember Coppa?) & quick fixes. I want the big pretty loose curls but I understand that no kit will give me the famous curls like Joan from Girlfriends, the awesome fro rocked by Rissi Palmer ( , the very beautiful coils of Erika Rose (, or even my friend Regina (who has the best hair in the world..pic below). They all have a beauty that is unique to them, that I have to find within myself.
But all and all have experienced great joys with my natural hair such as my first pony puff (what a glorious triumph!), the time I was able to make 4 cornrows in the front,( next time I'm going for 6!!!) and the sincere complements from unexpected admirers.
Rather than try to explain, I have put together a slide show to show my growth!

Last time I thanked all the natural beauties before me, But I have inspired a new wave of sista's, shout outs to Emmem, N'nenna, Shontell!!!