Sunday, July 4, 2010

4 Years Natural. (Style and Trial)

It has been four years since I started wearing my hair in its natural texture. I have not straightened it! Not even once. No blow out, no press-n-curl, no flat iron. No trim either :( (I am trying to hold on to every centimeter of length). Unless you count my visit to the African braid shops on 125th , I haven't been to a salon since 2007. I am always afraid that they are going to cut my hair or give me some crazy color to make me look like a monkey boy.

The past four years has been a continuing search for styling options. My mission is to show that natural hair can look professional. However it is difficult because most of the styles that I am able to do on my own make me look like a kid. Almost as if I'm getting ready for sandbox time!

God Bless those who have the patience for straw sets and flexi- rods!

For me a "Good Hair Day" is a day when my hair is not the topic of the day or the levee for a flood of questions. “How did you get it like that?” “How long did it take?” “ Does it hurt?” “ Do you wash it like that? “ “Will it look like that every day from now on?” (I’ve gotten far worse)

I love to see other women with natural hair and it is part of my motivation. Why do I feel such a battle putting the weave back in? Not like anyone at my job cares if I look professional or not. (One time I wore dress slacks to work. And everyone asked me why I was so dressed up. Someone even asked me if I had a job interview somewhere else)

If it were not for PrettyDimples1 on I would be so lost. Thanks to her I got a lot of style ideas and hair care tips.