Saturday, April 30, 2011


4/30 I want to give a huge "THANK YOU!!!!" to all my family & friends who donated to KEEP A CHILD ALIVE for AIDS Walk NY. My fundraising total is more than I raised last year. But I am still a few dollars short of my goal! The walk is only a few days away and I want to raise more!!! If you are able to donate please visit

Friday, April 29, 2011

Michael Jackson

Today I met a Michael Jackson impersonator in Aruba ( funny story) anyway, I was just thinking about how many people MJ inspired. I remember a few months ago being at a huge MJ dance party and being touched by how people of different colors, ages, shapes and sizes were dancing TOGETHER to his music. It was so beautiful. I even got a lil emotional.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


4/28 Thankful that God made beautiful places like this to relax!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


4/27 Happy Birthday Mahauganee!!!! (still working on making this a national holiday)
Today goes to my BFF in the whole wide world for 15 years. Though we are a 1000 miles apart, I feel like our brain wave activity is connected. Moe is one of the few people that make me laugh until I cry. She is dedicated to her family, community and academics. (she has a whole bunch of degrees) I love her so much and can't wait to celebrate the big **30** with her this weekend!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Carmen Flower

4/26 Carmen Flower!!!
So thankful for my friend Carmen! We both moved to NYC around the same time and learned the city together. Carmen is so beautiful, talented and full of positive energy. I enjoy our enlightening conversations and our silly ones.

Monday, April 25, 2011


4/25 It has been over a 12 year dream of mine to live in Los Angeles. I was just reminded why. It's totally fine it has taken over 12 years b/c there were people I needed to meet, and lessons I needed to learn.
Now I'm like omg totally ready to be like a Valley Girl!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/24 Jesus

4/24 Easter Sunday
Jesus... need I say more????? I am so THANKFUL for Jesus Christ!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm From That Lou and I'm Proud

4/23 I'm from Da Lou and I'm proud! I rep my STL to the fullest!!! *yeah yeah yeah!! woop-woop!! hoody-hooo & Go Cards!!!! **( Yet I wouldn't want to move back anytime soon)** St. Louis is a beautiful city. I could walk through the park and chill at the Zoo for hours! I love our specialty food like a good ol St. Paul sandwich, toasted ravioli, Vess, could go on and on.... But anyway, my city was hit with a horrible tornado Thank God every one is okay.

Friday, April 22, 2011

4/22 JANET!!!

4/22 JANET!!! So everyone who knows me knows I LOVE Janet Jackson. I have been a huge stalker... I mean a huge fan of Janet for as long as I can remember. I used to play her Dream Street album on my Fisher Price record player. (80's baby) I've been to all of her concerts and I have every album she has recorded. ( I used to know all the dances too). Her music has gotten me through so much. I don't mean all the sad depressing stuff most people use songs for, but the happy fun times too!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

4/21 Yoga

4/21 Yoga. It was my 2010 New Years resolution to start yoga... So in November of 2010 I took my first class. Yoga has been so helpful in physical and mental ways. When I have alot on my mind or any pain I am thankful that I can just breathe into it, and through it!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Purple Flower

4/20 Bren you already know why I had to use THIS photo for the album...
This pic sums up howfreaking crazy we are (in a subtle way)! My Purple Flower and I have sooooo many funny stories and freaking amazing times together (like what happened after this picture was taken)
I am so happy we have become closer over the years, and I can honestly say she is like a sister to me. I admire how she values theimportance of family, working hard and getting a good education. I know she is a person I will be friendswith for many years to come!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


4/19 I finally found a picture of my grandmother!!! She never likes to pose forpictures. I don't understand why because she is so beautiful. I do not knowwhere I would be if it wasn't for her. ( it sure in the hell wouldn't be here). She putme through school, and is the reason I am a journalist. I am so grateful to have herto call for advice and support (and laughs).
It will be impossible for meto explain in words what she means to me. I will justcontinue to live by her example.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do Not Worry

4/17 One of my chapter Sorors posted this picture with the caption "Matthew 6:26 (right outside my bedroom window)-- DO NOT WORRY..."

It's one of my favorite Bible verses. I instantly got it! No need to worry about how we are going to make it. God always takes care of us. We may not have what we want but we have EVERYTHING we need. I am so grateful for the goodness of God!

And for you heathens Matthew 6:26 goes like this

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

NBC Page Program

4/16 NBC Page Program: This picture was taken in late 2005 with fellow Pages. I had just moved to NYC for the program. I didn't know anyone, I had no clue what to expect or what would happen after the 1 year program was over. This turned out to be the best job experiences I've had thus far (navy blue uniform and all). I met so many wonderful talented people and got to experience some cool shit that I never even dreamed of (Dateline, Today Show, Saturday Night Live... and lets not forget the SNL after-after parties) I made great professional contacts and even better friends!
I am so thankful for that time period in my life. I enjoyed every minute, the hustle, grind, struggle, laughs and FUN of it all.
Thank's Pat for posting those pics brought back so many memories!)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Let The Good Times Roll!!

4/15 I just got the best phone call today! My friend Shontell from college is coming to NYC for the summer! I'm so excited! As they say in her hometown " Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!!!!"

Thursday, April 14, 2011


4/14 Karaoke!!!!! "I am an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit!"

Every Thursday night faithfully my friends and I could be found at Sylvia's Lounge in Harlem singing our hearts out! (and being overly dramatic) It was our "Cheers" . For the first time in over 8 months we got together like old times. I am thankful for the laughs and classic moments.

This pic was taken in 2008 during my rendition of "Tyrone" ... I have yet to top this performance.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


4/13 I am so thankful for my ships D.S.M.I.S.H.A.P! Nine years ago we crossed the burning sands and became members of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc... Most magnificent LAAAAAAAAAAMBDA Chapter!!!! I love the ladies sooo much!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Soror* Ship*Sister

4/12 I'm thankful for my Soror*Ship*Sister and friend Janine Ross! Janine and I have been friends for over 12 years and boy do we have some crazy stories! We share a love for great food, especially BACON!! The other day I thanked her for dealing with my craziness and her response was "Putting up with you is soo much fun ship"

Monday, April 11, 2011


4/11 Mentors: I am thankful for my professional mentor Cheryl Wills. Cheryl and I work together at NY1 News. She is as kind and beautiful in person as she is on TV. She is seen by millions on TV every single day, yet she is so down to earth and keeps it real! She recently wrote a book about her family history. The book highlights the story of her great-great-great grandfather a run away slave who fought for his freedom. I am inspired by Cheryl and all that she does. I am so grateful that our paths have crossed.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alicia Keys and Friends

4/9 Today I selected this picture b/c this afternoon I had a dinner with 10 friends that are close to my heart. When I looked around the table and I thought about how we all met... It was through Alicia Keys. Though her music and KCA I've met so many great people all across the world that I can assign the title of friend. This pic was taken a few years ago at a Grammy Party and I was kinda speechless and didn't get a chance to tell her about the impact she has had in my life. ( I've met her several times thereafter and still couldn't formulate many words LOL) In addition to the friends & connections I've made through her, I have experienced an abundance of blessings and some freaking awesome concerts!

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Desk

4/8 The Desk. I find such gratitude each day when I walk into the building and my id card still works. I am thankful for my job and amazing co-workers! How many people can say they actually like the people they work with? I can!!! This fuzzy pic was taken last summer after we had a group dinner. I wanted to take today to shout-out the people who get the least amount of recognition for the most tremendous amount of work. Today was a good day especially because everyone was full of smiles and positive energy. (Maybe it was b/c of the free lunch and cake)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


4/7 PAID IN F*ING FULL!!!!! I Made the final payment on the credit card I got when I was 18. What idiots give a teenager with no job a card with a 10,000 limit? It took me 12 years to pay that bullshit off. I probably don't own or have a single thing left that I charged on that card. Credit Cards are the devil. I'm not debt free, however this is a relief. I hope to educate as many teens as I can about the death traps that these cards create. As a teen you think, "When I graduate college, I'll make enough to pay it off in a short time" however you don't factor in, the interest from the card, rent, bills, food, car note, insurance and student loans... Okay now I'm venting... But yeah, I'm thankful this chapter is closed.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thank You For Being A Friend

4/6 Goes to my friend Deniece! This pic was taken at a Janet concert last year. Symbolic for so many reasons! She is the nicest person in the whole world. True definition of "FRIEND". She made my 30th birthday one of the best days ever. I tried to sit at home and sulk about getting older but she forced me enjoy my day. I had to send her an email saying "Enough with the kindness... stop being nice and knock it off !" LOL! Deniece your friendship is truly appreciated. I feel sorry for the people who don't have someone like you they can count on.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This was me 30 years ago. I am thankful for every blessing and road block. I wouldn't change a thing from the time this photo was taken to this very second. Everything I've experienced made me who I am, and is preparing me for future life lessons.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Trust Your Gift

4/4 This is printed on the back of a T-Shirt I got tonight. It is the motto for the "Cheryl Pepsii & Hot Chocolate Black Velvet Monday's" musicians and singers jam held at the Village Underground. The message is to encourage artists to trust the talent God gave them and use it to the best of their ability. I'm not a musician, however I think this slogan is a great reminder for me to believe in my abilities. I am thankful to have this Monday night spot as a Funk/R&B refuge sanctuary!

This is just a small sample of the hottness that goes on every Monday night

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Day 3 Finished the More/ Fitness Half Marathon (13.1 miles) in 2hrs 28min.... I came in 4894th place (out of 7,500) not too shabby. Just thankful that I finnished and didn't hurt myself.

One thing off the New Years Resolution List

Saturday, April 2, 2011

One Great Burger!

Day2... This is by far the best burger I had in all my 29.9 years of life. It's from The Crosby Bar. I ate every last bite, and at the end I didn't even feel like I had the "itus" Today, I'm not just thankful for this meal but the laughs, great company and adventure that came along with it. ( Don't let the salad fool you... I had fries with it too)

Friday, April 1, 2011

30 Days of 30 Years of Gratitude

This month I'm turning 30-Years-BLESSED!!!! Inspired by a Facebook friend Monique who was inspired by her friend Megan...I have decided to upload a photo per day of something or someone I am grateful for in my life.

Day 1...#1 Duh! I'm grateful for my family!!! This is a pic of my mom and brothers (and a painting of my grandmother behind them, she hates taking pictures) I thank God that they are healthy and doing big things. They are always supportive of me and have my back no matter what.