Thursday, April 7, 2011


4/7 PAID IN F*ING FULL!!!!! I Made the final payment on the credit card I got when I was 18. What idiots give a teenager with no job a card with a 10,000 limit? It took me 12 years to pay that bullshit off. I probably don't own or have a single thing left that I charged on that card. Credit Cards are the devil. I'm not debt free, however this is a relief. I hope to educate as many teens as I can about the death traps that these cards create. As a teen you think, "When I graduate college, I'll make enough to pay it off in a short time" however you don't factor in, the interest from the card, rent, bills, food, car note, insurance and student loans... Okay now I'm venting... But yeah, I'm thankful this chapter is closed.

1 comment:


That is awesome! I got one when I was 18 but it def didnt have a 10,000 limit! lol but I paid it off! Thank God!